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Sameer Sawarkar of Neurosynaptic Communications – YSI Pitch – AFI Forum 2013

Action For India’s (AFI) mission is to help social innovators in India overcome barriers to scale and achieve greater impact at the Bottom of the Pyramid (BoP). We believe in the pivotal role that technology plays in scaling market-based solutions, and we work to connect social innovators in India with impact investors, mentors, and technology experts worldwide. Launched in 2012, AFI is inspired and guided by Sam Pitroda, Adviser to the Prime Minister of India and Chairman of the National Innovation Council of India. AFI is headquartered in New Delhi, India and has a chapter in Silicon Valley, California.

AFI Forum 2013 is the second edition of an annual gathering of social innovators, business leaders and impact investors. Forum 2013 was held on the 19-20th of January at the Om Shantri Retreat Center, Manesar and IIT, Delhi.

Neurosynaptic Communications

Neurosynaptic offers proven e-health and m-health technology solutions that bring together products, partners and processes in the healthcare delivery ecosystem.