Winner: ReMeDi™ – Remote Healthcare Delivery Solution
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Contact Person – Sameer Sawarkar, CEO and Rajeev Kumar, Director.
Challenge: Access to basic healthcare is a daunting challenge in rural India. Public sector is closest available formal provider but due to inherent challenges, quality is often unavailable. Private sector, which currently delivers over 85% of health care in poorest states of India, has formal providers concentrated only in towns while in villages remain untouched.
ICT Innovation: Neurosynaptic conditioned telemedicine technology to work even in extremely poor settings and indigenously developed ReMeDi™ – REmote MEdical DIagnostics solution. ReMeDi™ can measure basic physiological parameters like patient’s electrocardiogram, temperature, blood pressure and oxygen saturation, as well as transmit heart and lung sounds in real-time, through electronic stethoscope probe and provide vital information about the patient to a remote doctor for preliminary diagnosis. The medical device uses only 2W of power. The solution also includes video conferencing between doctors and patients which can work at a bandwidth as low as 32 Kbps. A preliminary diagnosis of cardiovascular problems can be carried out using stethoscope, ECG and blood pressure measurement. With images, taken using a normal web camera, doctors can provide eye care, dermatology and ENT services.
Impact: ReMeDi™ has emerged as a vital channel of health care delivery in poor, rural pockets of developing countries delivering care close to clients and saving precious resources. A partnership-based approach is taken for improving and expanding the reach. Through its partners 850 village health centers covering about 8000 villages across 35 districts in Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Tripura and Uttar Pradesh.
Source: Jury’s Choice for Cash Award